The Life and Views of Theatre and Film

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Cole Porter

So our school play this year is Anything Goes. I am the Chinese gambler named Ling, and as long as I am researching the subject of arts, it would be a perfect opportunity to look into one of the most famous names in the play: Cole Porter. Porter was born in 1891. His mother, who was a pianist, had Cole take violin lessons at age six and piano at eight. His first song "The Bobolink Waltz" was published in 1902 when he was just 11! His grandfather wanted him to be lawyer, but he followed his own music and was able to get two of his songs into Broadway shows: "Esmerelda" in Hands Up and "Two Big Eyes" in Miss Information. Unfortunately those shows did not quite catch on like some of his others. After meeting producer Raymond Hitchcock on a ship, he was asked to write music and lyrics for Hitchy-Koo in 1919, a revue. Cole's song, "An Old-Fashioned Garden," was one of the show's hits. After that, he did not have much luck until a 1929 London production, Wake Up and Dream became a hit. It included his song, "What Is This Thing Called Love?"
Many of Porter's best-known songs originated in Broadway productions of the 1930s: "Love for Sale" (The New Yorkers, 1930), "Night and Day" (Gay Divorce, 1932), "You're the Top" (Anything Goes, 1934), and "Begin the Beguine" and "Just One of Those Things" (Jubilee, 1935).
Unfortunately, he was badly injured after being thrown off his horse and crushed by it. He needed 31 operations during the next 20 years to save his legs (the right one was later amputated) and was in pain for the rest of his life. But that did not stop him from creating other hit songs such as those from "Kiss Me Kate". He also worked in film for three decades. He continued to write songs until his health started faltering. He eventually died after kidney surgery in 1964 in Santa Monica, CA. I am very excited to have the opportunity to perform one of his shows and it really helps to understand where the music actually was developed. And, scene...

Harmon, Justin, et. al. "Cole Porter." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 30 Jan. 2010. .

Shirley Temple

OK. We all know how talented Dakota Fanning and Abigail Breslin are, but they do not measure up to the success of Shirley Black. Who is Shirley Black. Black is her married name, but her original name is what she is most recognizable with. Shirley Temple, who was born in 1928, made her film debut in 1932 in a few short-comedy films. Her talent was then recognized by an agent from the Fox film company...And so it began....She was in her first full length film when she did Stand Up and Cheer in 1934. She was later cast in 9 other films that very same year, and was awarded a mini Oscar. She has been known to be one of the most popular actresses of the Great Depression. This era is another reason why this girl was so aloved. Her movies helped people going through financial struggles to be able to enjoy themselves and escape from reality for a while. That is one reason why people still go to movies, plays etc. Her most memorable movies include The Little Colonel (1935), Captain January (1936), Wee Willie Winkie (1937), Heidi (1937), and Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm (1938). Unfortnately, her career dropped when she reached her teen years. I guess she lost that innocence of childhood as so many young actors do these days...Lindsey Lohan is a similar example. She returned to TV and acted in a few shows, but it seems her passion for acting was not as strong. She was married twice, and when her second husband (Charles Black)was called to the Pentagon, she moved to D.C.
One thing that surprised me was that she made a new adult life for herself in politics. She was given several high ranking positions (including U.S. representative to the UN Conference on the Human Environment in 1972 and U.S. commissioner for the UN's Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization). She also assisted Presidents Nixon, Ford and Carter. She is still alive today and is writing an autobiography on her political life. Don't worry, she wrote one on her acting as well! And, scene...

"Shirley Temple Black." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 30 Jan. 2010. .

Friday, January 29, 2010

Rodgers, Hammerstein and Hart

As one of the most well known music writers of their time (and ours), Richard Rodgers, Oscar Hammerstein and Lorenz Hart changed the way that music was written for both theatre and film. Hammerstein first met Hart, and they both needed each other. Hart was a lyricist, Hamerstein was a composer. They tried their luck in Hollywood, but their place was in New York (for now).They collaborated in a way that allowed for songs to be more "in tune" with the plot of the show, and created better transition for stage actions. The pair produced about 30 musicals before Hart's death in 1943.
Not many people, including myself, give credit to Lorenz Hart, who was the first collaborator with Rodgers and wrote the music to many musicals. But not as many of them were as well known as the ones Rodgers and Hammerstein wrote.
Rodgers later met Hammerstein and the two of them were able to provide even more progress for musical theatre. Some of their most famous plays include: Oklahoma (1943), The King and I (1951), and Sound of Music (1959). Instead of fitting the words to music, as Rodgers and Hart did, the new duo did just the opposite which allowed for more creativity.
Unfortunately, Hammerstein died in 1960, and although Rodgers continued to compose, he was never as successful as he was with his partners.
It's amazing to think that only a few individuals are needed to be able to change the way of theatre as we know it. Those kinds of changes are not as common to day, because it is harder and harder to find originality. But when people do, that is what makes them great! And, scene...

Harmon, Justin, et. al. "Richard Rodgers." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 30 Jan. 2010. .

Thursday, January 28, 2010

America's Favorite Dancer

Among all the great actresses in America's pasttime, one of the most celebrated and all-around talented is Ginger Rogers. Like so many other kids, she had a father, who was an electrical engineer, and a mother, who was a screenwriter and later Rogers' business manager and confidante. This seems to be a very helpful way for a child to be introduced to the world of entertainment. It's definitely easier when your parents already have their foot in the door with you, but for Rogers', she proved to be more than any other actress to walk into entertainment. She is well-known for her dancing with her partner and friend, Fred Astaire; but, like most other entertainment stars, she started out in theatre. She began acting in shows such as
Girl Crazy, 42nd Street and Gold Diggers of 1933. Her Broadway achievements got her a contract with Hollywood, where she met Astaire. Their first movie together was in 1933, and it was called Flying Down to Rio. She actually won an Academy Award for best actress in 1940 for her role in Kitty Foyle. Some famous icons she has worked with include Katharine Hepburn, Cary Grant, Bob Hope and Former President Ronald Reagan! Bet you didn't know that one of our Presidents was a theatre kid! Unfortunately, marriage was always hard with Giner Rogers (as it is with many celebrities!) She was married and divorced 5 times, and claims that her only true love was a director of her movies Swing Time and Vivacious Lady, George Stevens. Unfortunately, he was already married. She did not have any children, and she passed away on April 25, 1995 at age 83 at her home in Rancho Mirage, California. That would be a fulfilling life that i would like to live one day! And, scene...

Valente, Jose. "Ginger Rogers." American History. ABC-CLIO, 2010. Web. 30 Jan. 2010. .

Exploring the Arts

I am so thankful to have the opportunity to research the arts-my favorite thing in the world! As you all know, i am involved in this aspect of life! Movies, theatre, Vaudeville, improv! All of these things are what make up our entertainment industry to day. Some, like basic theatre, have lasted longer than others; others, like movies, are still relatively new, and they keep getting more advanced, like every other aspect in our lives. It definitely makes a research project easier when it is something you are truly interested in. The only other intense research project i remember was on the assassination of JFK, which i was very interested in. The only problem with the arts is that there is such a wide variety of them. Hopefully, i will be able to find the truly interesting facts that will interest all of my 0 followers!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Funny SNL skit

This should get some laughs. Personally, i found it hilarious!

State of the Union Review

AMERICA IS #1! That was the only part of Obama's speech that seemed a little too far-fetched. Our country is definitely not #1, and the hour and a half long speech proves that. There are many problems in this nation, and they need to be solved. There were many good ideas being brought up concerning our economy and the lives of everyday citizens. My favorites included: using energy in a more healthy way for the environment, cutting down on college expenses, and the discouragement of lobbyist influence in political matters. I have to say that, while i would like everyone to have health insurance/health care, i have mixed feelings about this decision. This is because i am the son of an orthopedic surgeon, and this plan is harmful to almost all doctors. When Obama said he was open to other options, my dad told me that they need to protect doctors from being sued for millions of dollars, becauase that causes malpractice insurance to increase, therefore resulting in an increase for the cost of health insurance. It scares me to think that people studying medicine right now may be discouraged from this profession due to this law. I think Obama is an intelligent guy with many intelligent coworkers, and that is why i believe him when he says that he has never had more hope for this country. It was interesting to see what ideas were popular to the Democrats and Republican and how at certain times they both stood up, which was a sign that these ideas may become "the walk" as opposed to "the talk." Hopefully, Obama will be able to walk the walk, and back up the talk at the State of the Union. Peace out USA!!!


Hello, my name is Adam Michael Sherman. I created this blog for my American Studies class, and i will be posting thoughts about topics that i am interested in. My interests include THEATRE, Camp Kawaga, animals and movies, when i grow up, i would like to be an actor on stage or in film.