The Life and Views of Theatre and Film

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

State of the Union Review

AMERICA IS #1! That was the only part of Obama's speech that seemed a little too far-fetched. Our country is definitely not #1, and the hour and a half long speech proves that. There are many problems in this nation, and they need to be solved. There were many good ideas being brought up concerning our economy and the lives of everyday citizens. My favorites included: using energy in a more healthy way for the environment, cutting down on college expenses, and the discouragement of lobbyist influence in political matters. I have to say that, while i would like everyone to have health insurance/health care, i have mixed feelings about this decision. This is because i am the son of an orthopedic surgeon, and this plan is harmful to almost all doctors. When Obama said he was open to other options, my dad told me that they need to protect doctors from being sued for millions of dollars, becauase that causes malpractice insurance to increase, therefore resulting in an increase for the cost of health insurance. It scares me to think that people studying medicine right now may be discouraged from this profession due to this law. I think Obama is an intelligent guy with many intelligent coworkers, and that is why i believe him when he says that he has never had more hope for this country. It was interesting to see what ideas were popular to the Democrats and Republican and how at certain times they both stood up, which was a sign that these ideas may become "the walk" as opposed to "the talk." Hopefully, Obama will be able to walk the walk, and back up the talk at the State of the Union. Peace out USA!!!

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